Industry 4.0 & Blockchain

Bitcoin & Co.
by digiGeek

"More and more tasks are outsourced. Telecom to Skype, Taxi to Uber, Music to Spotify and Money to yourself. When does your government outsource coinage ? Are you ready to pay your tax when there's no more money provided by your government ?" - by digiGeek

Blockchain, Bitcoin, Smart Contracts & Co.

Crypto Currencies' Breaking News

These days, the Bitcoin (BTC) crypto currency and thousands of copies, tokens and smart contracts from A to Z like Altcoin (ALT), Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH), Cardano (ADA), Ether (ETH), EOS (), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (), Vertcoin (VTC) and Zcash (ZEC) etc. are a burning topic.
Read these latest breaking news to form your opinion.

Matthias Seiler

Matthias Seiler